8Pin Matrix Font

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8Pin Matrix Font
Unicode Blocks


This font looks very much like the output of an old 8-Pin dot-matrix printer, like the Epson FX-80. Very interesting to re-create documents looking like "old" computers, or computerized bills.


Back in 1987, I was working with a now antique Apple IIe and a then brand new
Apple IIc, as well as an IBM-PC clone (Panasonic Senior Partner) on a project
that was to become MatchFont. That software allowed machines of the time to
use fonts on dot-matrix printers, such as the good old Epson FX-80 I had then,
or the Apple Imagewriter. Eventualy, MatchFont helped people to use fonts on
these rather slow printers, and to get unusual fonts, at least for these
character-based computers. Eventually, the printers got even slower, but the
results where, at least at the time, better than even a Mac.

To-day, these technological monsters are gone. But I still remember the long
hours passed on the 9x18 matrix of the MatchFont editor. I then created some
great marvels, such as Japanese, or a sideways font.

8-Pin Matrix reminded me of that good'ol time, as while creating it, I found
back the familiar limitations of that format.

I hope you will find interesting this little font, looking very much like the
FX-80 outputs.

As this is meant to really look like the output from an old dot-matrix
printer, do not be surprised if you do not find kerninbg or proportional
characters spacing. All this was still science fiction, at the time. So, this
font offers monospace, and no kerning. Incidently, it means it will work as
well a did, before, monospaced printed output, especially for numbers and


8Pin Matrix Regular
8Pin Matrix Regular
Type your text here
Image Generator:
Customize and Visualize Your Texts!

Image Generator is a captivating service that empowers you to unleash your creativity by fully customizing your texts and visualizing them in a wide range of formats. This impressive tool puts you in control, allowing you to fine-tune font styles, sizes, background and font colors, as well as the text content itself.

With Image Generator, you can create mesmerizing texts by customizing the background and font colors to your heart's desire. Choose your favorite colors or explore diverse color palettes to achieve captivating color harmonies that truly reflect the essence of your projects or brand.

Image Generator provides outputs in SVG and PNG formats, tailored to your preferences. The SVG format preserves the quality of your texts as vector-based graphics, ensuring no loss of detail or sharpness when resizing. On the other hand, the PNG format delivers high-quality raster images, enabling you to showcase your designs flawlessly on websites, social media platforms, or printed materials.

Get ready to captivate your audience with Image Generator, where your imagination has no limits and your texts become works of art.


8 PinMatrix - Copryright (c) Michel Bujardet 1994 - All rights reserved - Match Software, 8205 Santa Monica Blvd 1-205 West Hollywood CA 90046-5912 (818) 784-3737

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