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Free for personal use

ARTUR Regular
ARTUR Regular
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Image Generator:
Customize and Visualize Your Texts!

Image Generator is a captivating service that empowers you to unleash your creativity by fully customizing your texts and visualizing them in a wide range of formats. This impressive tool puts you in control, allowing you to fine-tune font styles, sizes, background and font colors, as well as the text content itself.

With Image Generator, you can create mesmerizing texts by customizing the background and font colors to your heart's desire. Choose your favorite colors or explore diverse color palettes to achieve captivating color harmonies that truly reflect the essence of your projects or brand.

Image Generator provides outputs in SVG and PNG formats, tailored to your preferences. The SVG format preserves the quality of your texts as vector-based graphics, ensuring no loss of detail or sharpness when resizing. On the other hand, the PNG format delivers high-quality raster images, enabling you to showcase your designs flawlessly on websites, social media platforms, or printed materials.

Get ready to captivate your audience with Image Generator, where your imagination has no limits and your texts become works of art.


:: [L I C E N C J A] ::

:: autorem tego fonta jest ATRAX Rafa³ Brzeziñski font zawiera du¿e i ma³e litery oraz niektóre znaki interpunkcyjne.

:: mo¿esz : --->tworzyæ dowoln¹ iloæ kopii fonta --->instalowaæ fonta na dowolnej liczbie komputerów ---> wykorzystywaæ go na stronach www, w publikacjach papierowych i elektronicznych pod warunkiem, ¿e nie maj¹ one charakteru komercyjnego [tzn. przygotowujesz je na swój w³asny u¿ytek a nie w celu zarobienia pieniêdzy] ---> udostêpniaæ fonta na stronie www ale pod warunkiem, ¿e zachowasz plik z czcionk¹ bez zmian i w widocznym miejscu poinformujesz kto jest autorem fonta

:: bez zgody autora nie mo¿esz modyfikowaæ pliku z fontem, a szczególnie zmieniaæ nazwy fonta, usuwaæ informacji o autorze, usuwaæ pliku z licencj¹ u¿ywaæ fonta do jakichkolwiek dzia³añ komercyjnych sprzedawaæ fonta albo udostêpniaæ go na p³atnych, lub czêciowo p³atnych stronach www

:: wszelkie uwagi proszê kierowaæ na adres : Rafa³ Brzeziñski

:: najnowsze wersje moich fontów znajdziesz zawsze na stronie :

Jeli chesz u¿ywaæ tego fonta w celach komercyjnych proszê o kontakt.

ATRAX Rafa³ Brzeziñski ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The font ARTUR that was designed by me, contains large & small letters, digits and some punctuations.

It's freeware. You can use it in your private projects, if you want to put it to the commercial projects please let me know.

font can be redistributed in condition that it will be free of charge and with this readme file attached.

Hope you like ARTUR and it will be useful in your work :)

ATRAX Rafa³ Brzeziñski

is a trademark of ATRAX.

Copyright (c) ATRAX, 2004. All rights reserved.

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