Bahnschrift Static Font Family

Uploaded by marion78 𑁋 Sans-Serif Typeface

Bahnschrift Static Font Family
Unicode Blocks


Bahnschrift is a brand new digitization of the famous DIN 1451 character design standard and was released as a variable font for Windows in 2017.

DIN 1451 is a standardization for letterforms designs created by the German standards body Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization) in 1931, and was intended for use on road signs and other technical implementations. The design was particularly optimized for legibility, simplicity, and ease in replication. Over the years, DIN has become a popular typeface for a wide range of design applications.

The Microsoft Typography Team began development on a custom version of the font in 2013 in response to the ongoing interest in DIN among designers at Microsoft. Working from the original spec (design and metrics), a Mittelschrift and Engschrift version were created. This version was fairly limited in character set and was used internally for a few projects, but wasn’t shipped for public use.

The current version of Bahnschrift began development in 2016. At the time, Google, Apple, Adobe, and Microsoft partnered to develop a common implementation of variable font technology and Bahnschrift was chosen to become Microsoft’s first variable font. To prepare for the transition from static to variable, the Bahnschrift source was completely rebuilt from the ground up by Aaron Bell of Saja Typeworks and was expanded in weight, character set (adding Extended Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic) and manual hinting to ensure high quality rendering on a wide range of devices.

Please enjoy using Bahnschrift in your projects!


Bahnschrift Static Regular
Bahnschrift Static Regular
Bahnschrift Static Light
Bahnschrift Static Light
Bahnschrift Static Bold
Bahnschrift Static Bold
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Image Generator:
Customize and Visualize Your Texts!

Image Generator is a captivating service that empowers you to unleash your creativity by fully customizing your texts and visualizing them in a wide range of formats. This impressive tool puts you in control, allowing you to fine-tune font styles, sizes, background and font colors, as well as the text content itself.

With Image Generator, you can create mesmerizing texts by customizing the background and font colors to your heart's desire. Choose your favorite colors or explore diverse color palettes to achieve captivating color harmonies that truly reflect the essence of your projects or brand.

Image Generator provides outputs in SVG and PNG formats, tailored to your preferences. The SVG format preserves the quality of your texts as vector-based graphics, ensuring no loss of detail or sharpness when resizing. On the other hand, the PNG format delivers high-quality raster images, enabling you to showcase your designs flawlessly on websites, social media platforms, or printed materials.

Get ready to captivate your audience with Image Generator, where your imagination has no limits and your texts become works of art.


Microsoft supplied font. You may use this font to create, display, and print content as permitted by the license terms or terms of use, of the Microsoft product, service, or content in which this font was included. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. Any other use is prohibited.

© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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