Uploaded by zkutch š Handwritten Typeface
Thank you for downloading this font. Please note that this demo font is for personal use only. However, any donations are greatly appreciated. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so through our Paypal account: https://paypal.me/omotu
If you are interested in purchasing the full version and standard license of this font, you can visit the following link: https://omotustudio.com/product/bright-light/
For extended or corporate licenses, please visit: https://omotustudio.com/product/bright-light/
All forms of font usage without purchasing a license first must comply with our terms and conditions for commercial purposes and will require a corporate license.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. It is important to read and comply with all terms and conditions before using the font commercially. Please email our support team at support@omotustudio.com if you have any questions or concerns.
In Indonesia:
Untuk pengguna di Indonesia, mohon luangkan waktu untuk membaca syarat dan ketentuan penggunaan font. Untuk membeli lisensi, kunjungi website resmi kami di: https://omotustudio.com/product/bright-light/
Sebelum menggunakan font ini secara komersial, penting untuk memahami dan menyetujui semua syarat dan ketentuan penggunaan font di bawah ini:
1. Lisensi font ini hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi yang tidak komersial. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan font ini untuk tujuan komersial yang menghasilkan profit atau keuntungan, baik materiil maupun non-materiil, oleh individu, agensi desain grafis dan periklanan, percetakan, dan perusahaan korporasi.
2. Dilarang keras menggandakan, mendistribusikan, dan menggunakan font ini untuk keperluan komersial seperti iklan, promosi sosial media, televisi, film, video, motion graphic, YouTube, logo, dan kemasan produk fisik maupun digital, atau dalam media apa pun yang bertujuan menghasilkan profit atau keuntungan, materiil maupun non-materiil.
3. Segala penggandaan, distribusi, dan penggunaan font ini untuk keperluan komersial tanpa izin atau pembelian lisensi terlebih dahulu dari kami sebagai pembuat dan pemegang hak cipta font akan dikenakan biaya lisensi korporasi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta di Indonesia.
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau ingin informasi lebih lanjut mengenai lisensi yang Anda perlukan, silakan hubungi kami melalui email: support@omotustudio.com
Image Generator is a captivating service that empowers you to unleash your creativity by fully customizing your texts and visualizing them in a wide range of formats. This impressive tool puts you in control, allowing you to fine-tune font styles, sizes, background and font colors, as well as the text content itself.
With Image Generator, you can create mesmerizing texts by customizing the background and font colors to your heart's desire. Choose your favorite colors or explore diverse color palettes to achieve captivating color harmonies that truly reflect the essence of your projects or brand.
Image Generator provides outputs in SVG and PNG formats, tailored to your preferences. The SVG format preserves the quality of your texts as vector-based graphics, ensuring no loss of detail or sharpness when resizing. On the other hand, the PNG format delivers high-quality raster images, enabling you to showcase your designs flawlessly on websites, social media platforms, or printed materials.
Get ready to captivate your audience with Image Generator, where your imagination has no limits and your texts become works of art.
Notification Of License Agreement
Omotu Studio 2023
Part of this font software is copyrighted Ā© 2023 Omotu Studio, www.omotustudio.com. All rights reserved.
Added by zreichel (1 Style)
Added by Maiya Gislason (1 Style)
Added by Wilburn Kling (2 Styles)
Added by Enola Willms (1 Style)
Added by lang.prudence (1 Style)
Added by skyla.hackett (1 Style)