Glyph3 Woodwinds Font Family

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Glyph3 Woodwinds Font Family
Available for Commercial Use
Unicode Blocks


Based on 'Inconsolata' and 'Bravura', both SIL Open Font licenced fonts, 'Glyph3 Woodwinds' was designed to allow music editors and composers to create woodwind instruments fingering schemes. Since it is an True Type Font it can be used on any operating system and music engraving software. Glyph3 Woodwinds aims to bring a solution on the graphic representation of certain techniques on flutes, clarinets, saxophones, bassoons, oboe and english horn. This font can be modified and distributed according to SIL Open Font specifications.

Fonts, license, English and Spanish user's manual available for download at:

Contact: [email protected]


Basada en las fuentes "Inconsolata" y "Bravura", ambas con licencia SIL Open Font, "Glyph3 Woodwinds" es una fuente que contiene glifos diseñados para la resolución de digitaciones de instrumentos de viento-madera, para ser utilizada por editores musicales y compositores en cualquier sistema operativo y aplicación de notación musical. La misma fue desarrollada con el objetivo de dar respuesta a los requerimientos de alumnos, profesores y profesionales de la música que necesiten representar gráficamente digitaciones y técnicas específicas de instrumentos de viento, particularmente flautas, clarinetes, saxofones, oboe, corno inglés y fagot. Esta fuente puede ser distribuida y modificada según las atribuciones de la licencia SIL Open Font.

Fuentes, licencia, manuales de uso en español e inglés disponibles para descarga en:

Contacto: [email protected]


Glyph3 Woodwinds Medium
Glyph3 Woodwinds Medium
Glyph3 Woodwinds Medium
Glyph3 Woodwinds Medium
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Image Generator:
Customize and Visualize Your Texts!

Image Generator is a captivating service that empowers you to unleash your creativity by fully customizing your texts and visualizing them in a wide range of formats. This impressive tool puts you in control, allowing you to fine-tune font styles, sizes, background and font colors, as well as the text content itself.

With Image Generator, you can create mesmerizing texts by customizing the background and font colors to your heart's desire. Choose your favorite colors or explore diverse color palettes to achieve captivating color harmonies that truly reflect the essence of your projects or brand.

Image Generator provides outputs in SVG and PNG formats, tailored to your preferences. The SVG format preserves the quality of your texts as vector-based graphics, ensuring no loss of detail or sharpness when resizing. On the other hand, the PNG format delivers high-quality raster images, enabling you to showcase your designs flawlessly on websites, social media platforms, or printed materials.

Get ready to captivate your audience with Image Generator, where your imagination has no limits and your texts become works of art.


Copyright (c) 10/30/2019, Esteban Sebastiani ([email protected]), with Reserved Font Name Glyph3 Woodwinds.

This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at:

Esteban Sebastiani

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