Junicode Font Family

Uploaded by Hudson Fahey 𑁋 Serif Typeface

Junicode Font Family
Unicode Blocks


The Junicode font is designed to meet the needs of medieval scholars; however, it has a large enough character set to be useful to the general user. It comes in Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic faces. The Regular face has the fullest character set and is richest in OpenType features.

Both the selection and design of the characters in Junicode reflect the needs of medievalists. However, many persons writing in ancient and modern languages have found the font useful. If you wish to see better support for any language, please leave a request at the Junicode project page (http://sourceforge.net/projects/junicode).

Junicode implements most of the recommendation of the Medieval Unicode Font Initiative (version 3.0). Look for special MUFI char- acters (those not in the Unicode standard) in the Private Use Area (U+E000 and above). Download the complete recommendation at http://www.mufi.info/.

Junicode is licensed under the SIL Open Font License: for the full text, go to http://scripts.sil.org/OFL. Briefly: You may use Junicode in any kind of publication, print or electronic, without fee or restriction. You may modify the font for your own use. You may distribute your modified version in accordance with the terms of the license.


Junicode RegularCondensed
Junicode RegularCondensed
Junicode Regular
Junicode Regular
Junicode Italic
Junicode Italic
Junicode ItalicCondensed
Junicode ItalicCondensed
Junicode Bold
Junicode Bold
Junicode Bold Italic
Junicode Bold Italic
Junicode BoldCondensed
Junicode BoldCondensed
Junicode BoldItalicCondensed
Junicode BoldItalicCondensed
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Image Generator:
Customize and Visualize Your Texts!

Image Generator is a captivating service that empowers you to unleash your creativity by fully customizing your texts and visualizing them in a wide range of formats. This impressive tool puts you in control, allowing you to fine-tune font styles, sizes, background and font colors, as well as the text content itself.

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This font is free software; you are free to use it as you like, modify it, and redistribute it under the terms of the GNU Public License.

Source code for this font (a Pfaedit spline font database) is available for download at www.engl.virginia.edu/OE/.

Copyright (c) 1998-2009 by Peter S. Baker


Licensed under the SIL Open Font License, version 1.1

Copyright (c) 1998-2017 by Peter S. Baker


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